When I think of the last year that has gone by, few things come to mind:

a. Three deaths. I have not been afraid of the idea of dying, only that of losing someone. And the memory of being there and seeing it, makes you realize what you have and what you need.

b. Dysfunctional relationships which have  ended themselves on their own.

c. The Rape. The brutality of it, which I cannot speak of. It is personal : not just because I understand sexual abuse but also because it felt like it could have been me, it was me…

d. My total lack of focusing on me: on the personal front, career, personal goals (damn, what are they??!!).

I could make a list of stuff I achieved, but the above turbulence pushed me…To make sure this year would end in a good way, a bloody good way. SO on 19th October 2012, I made this list and in brackets, I provide my status quo as of today…

a. Travel. go home. connect with old friends. (CHECK)

b. Write. focus on my blogs. stop being lazy about it. (CHECK)

c. Be selfish- think of me and what me needs/wants, while being peaceful with others. Introspect. (WORK IN PROGRESS)

d. Dance- enjoy the music. (CHECK n still CHECKING)

e. Walk/trek- I always find I understand a place better when I walk or even cycle. (CHECK)

f. BE HAPPY- a toughie, but all it needs is focus. (WORK IN PROGRESS)

In the next few posts, I will document the past 1.5 months: my journey to Bangalore, Goa, Bahrain and finally, Dubai. It just so happened, I randomly started documenting each of my days on Facebook and I just continued…It has, now, turned it into a little personal project for me- I hope to be able to thank those who unwittingly and with purpose made my travels the wonder and beauty it was (It’s a wee surpise, I tell ya!!).

But for now, Neil Gaiman says it better, just what I want my next year to be and what I wish for you, too:

Happy New Year, my lovelies (Thank you whoever made this and lots of love to Neethu for sharing this)